By Gofrowin   Posted at  9:50 AM   tourism No comments

Familiar with the concept of experience, looking for excitement and learning, explorers from other cultures and new enthusiasts, young people are a very different segment of the others. Because they represent the future market, they are traveling more and more, they are interested in non-traditional destinations and they offer considerable benefits to the industry, are a promising young customers! 
Up to what age is it young? The Canadian Tourism Commission (CTC) is especially interested in people aged 15 to 26 years, but the range is very flexible. In Australia and New Zealand, it is for 15 to 30 years, in Spain the age of 25 while in Germany, the segment is expanded to 15 to 34 years. Basically, we are talking about teenagers and young adults. The World Youth Student and Educationnal (WYSE) Travel Confederation is interested in youth tourism that results in travel: 
performed independently over a period of less than one year; 
made by people 16 to 29 years; 
who are motivated, in whole or in part, by the desire to experience other cultures, to enrich their life experience or benefit from formal and informal learning opportunities. 
According to 2008 data from the WYSE Travel Confederation, there is a segment registering strong growth. It constitutes 20% of total international arrivals (160 million visitors) and generates 136 billion American dollars per year. Travelers backpack travelers and gap, those who choose to terminate their usual activities and go on a trip for several months (see also: "Gap Year Travel" can we better exploit this niche stay longer? and therefore spend more than the average tourist. WYSE estimated that about 70% of young travelers looking to enrich their lives through education, learning a language, work, volunteering and better knowledge of various cultures. These young people are also usually sensitive to issues related to sustainable development. 
The youth market is not part of the target groups of the CTC for now. However, the CTC evaluates this possibility in its 2017 marketing strategy and has compiled information on this segment. The following table shows the origin of the young overseas travel in the country. The UK, France and Germany are the largest emitters (other than the United States) of young tourists in Canada. Although recorded significant decreases between 2008 and 2009 for several markets, a more encouraging picture we see among young Germans, Australians and Indians. Recall that 2009 was strongly affected by the global economic crisis. 
Mr. Axel Dammler of iconkids & Youth International Research GmbH engages young people in the Facebook generation social network because it is part of their lifestyle. It qualifies as follows: 
they are very individualistic; 
they are comfortable with marketing and are not fooled; 
they are looking for instant gratification, pleasure; 
they represent a more heterogeneous than ever market; 
they appreciate the balance between their comfort zone and novelty; 
they are connected. 
Internet is the ideal medium for reach, mainly through social networks. According to data from Föste Mr. Ruf Jugendreisen, a German wholesaler specializing in travel for young people, 93% of 14-29 years go online every day, while only 21% of them read newspapers daily


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